Fashion | Fun | Faith

Innovative | Incredible | Ingenius

Club | Core | Christ

 The INI Scarf

INI in Italian means “little”. Little moments. Little words. Little gifts can have a BIG impact when we say & share something we acknowledge and appreciate about another. The INI Scarf is an incredible innovation combing fashion, fun, and faith in a gift for another. Ineffable creativity by Todd Sinelli with ingenious collaborations through fun fashionistas contributed toward the INI scarf.   Monthly Message sent on the 8th of the month in 2025 | January 2025 | Insight - how to see the invisible February 2025 | Invisible - words, wisdom, ways March 2025 | Incredible - products, services, people April 2025 | INI  The INI Scarf is a D.I.D.INI product where you will see the D.I.D (Divine in Details) a la Jesus' words in Luke 16:10, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much." It's the little that matters most. INI.

Ready to be part of INI Club ?

INI Club 2025 membership includes INI scarf and monthly inspiration sent on the 8th of the month via email for 1st 300 INI Club members. RULE #1 | INI CLUB You cannot buy the INI scarf for yourself. It must be for another person. RULE #2 | INI CLUB You must say and share one little INI thing you appreciate them when giving them the INI scarf.


INI Scarf | v9

INI Scarf | One word . . . WOW!

INI Scarf | It's a 4 in 1 ingenious creation with 2 scarves in one and 2 hidden magic tricks IN the scarf. Think scarf meets Hermes Twilly meets pocket square meets ascot meets headband meets belt meets magic. Muti-use unisex INI scarf where imagination meets infinite applications. This is INI scarf v9. Version 11 is in production now. To describe it in one word . . . it's WOW!